

I was released from the hospital earlier today. I'm home again. They say there could be a lot of this back and forth between the hospital and home. Josh has been amazing and I am so thankful for him. Poor guy hasn't showered since Tuesday. So far so good. I'm a little nervous to be off the monitors but happy to be back home with Ivy and in my own bed. Optimistic about carrying them longer but have a peace that the Lord will take care of us no matter what happens. Feeling good!


Liz said...

good news! welcome home!

Liz said...

good news! welcome home!

Anonymous said...

hooray!!!!! praying for you! Love the VrMeers

Fritter said...

Hi Ashley! I don't think we have met- but I am also a member of the UMOMC. I might have emailed you a while back about a playdate? I can't remember- anyhow- I wanted to say that I was exactly where you are exactly one year ago this month. I started having cervix issues around 20-something weeks (end of July) and ended up on bedrest in and out of the hospital for 11 weeks- and had the boys at 36.3 weeks! I started a blog then, and found one of my first posts. If you scroll through the links around it- you can read how hard it was for me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I too have a toddler and thought the world was just ending. I occupied my time by entering blog contests (and winning :) but thought you might find something to relate. I do remember not wanting to talk to anyone, but found solace in keepemcookin.com an online forum of moms on bedrest- many with twins. Anyhow- I'd love to chat if you'd like to! Well- when I can anyhow-!! Here's my blog link- don't laugh, it's pretty basic! Good luck to you and great work!!