
Jesus and Josh

The number one question I get asked these days is..."How do you do it with twins?" And my answer is JESUS and JOSH. Yes, twins is more work and has it's unique challenges, however, I can honestly say that it is really is a double blessing. Today I was just holding Caleb and Hudson in my lap while they were just smiling and cueing at me. It was almost like a competition between the boys to see who could flirt with mommy the best. I JUST LOVE IT!! As much as I love the babies I think it would be very difficult to enjoy them if I didn't have Jesus and Josh in my life.

I've been a believer in Christ now for 12 years and married to Josh for 5. Josh and I actually celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday night! I know there are many great husbands out there and Josh is one of them. When he is on the way home from work he will call and say..."I'm on the way home and I'll help you in anyway you need it as soon as I get there". Then he walks in the door and says.."Put me to work". He just jumps in it with me and we are doing this thing together. He doesn't always ask me how to help.... he just does what he see's needs to be done. Like when he opens the dishwasher and realizes that it's full of clean dishes. He will just unload it. Or if the trash is full he takes it out AND puts a new bag in there. If he picks up a baby and it's diaper is full...he changes it. He helps me cook and clean up after dinner. And after being on bed rest for 10 weeks he finally figured out how to put his dirty clothes in the hamper!! He sees the needs of our family and he meets the need.

The twins are still not sleeping through the night and he helps me with that. Every other night he takes on the "night shift". I will wake and pump for the feeding and he will give them a bottle. And believe it or not.... He does it all with out COMPLAINING!! Raising twins and a toddler is honestly not the easiest thing we've ever done but you would never know it. The man doesn't know how to complain! ( I hope our kids will take after him.) Josh truly dies to self and seeks to serve me and the kids in any way he can. He is sooooo selfless!!! I JUST LOVE THE MAN!!

So where does he get that from? I believe the answer is Jesus. Josh is a man who loves the Lord and desires to be more like Him. He is such an example of Christ to me and our children. Without the Lord in our lives I have NO idea how this would work. I would probably be on zoloft and pulling my hair out. The Lord gives me the strength I need for each day. He reminds me in His word and through the encouragement of others to give myself grace. He has taught me to die to self. So what if my toe nails look a mess and a shower or shaving my legs is as rare as the Clemson TIgers winning the National Championship. This season of life is crazy for sure but the kids are a gift from the Lord and I cherish that gift. I know the Lord used my near death experience in my life to really show me this. I am soo thankful to be here and to be the one taking care of my kids and be a wife to Josh. God is good and is carrying me through this season of life.

If you think I'm speaking greek then maybe you have never experienced freedom in Christ. There is no greater decision I have made than to become a Christ follower. Not just a person who attends church on Sunday and claims to be a Christian because I was raised in the south and that's what we all are right? Nope! You must make a decision to to accept Christ as your savior and let your old self die and be made new in Christ. I once was a sinner in need of a savior. Now I'm a sinner who has a savior and has a hope in Christ that one day I'll spend eternity with Him in heaven.
The first time I attended church after the twins were born we sang the song Amazing Grace. The lyrics "His Word my hope secures" really defines where I am. As I am coming out of processing a near death experience and raising twins it is His word that gives me hope and security. Life is going to throw me curve balls...YES! Do I have days where I think twins is incredibly difficult...YES! But in the Bible I find guidence, grace, and goodness. I am so thankful for my heavenly father and the amazing husband He has given me.

I once was lost but now I am found.....Was blind but now I see... Are you found?
Below is a picture of Halloween. Ivy was Arial and she brought along her friend Sebastian and Flounder.