
33 Weeks and Counting!

I can hardly believe that I am 33 weeks! Bed-rest started at 27 weeks. That's 6 weeks of lying on my back. I'm still having to fight the urge to nest. However, last night may have given me the motivation I need to stay down. Around 6pm I started having contractions every 2-3 mins for almost 2 hours. It kinda scared me and I thought maybe this was it. We made it to the hospital and they gave me a turb shot which stops labor. It seemed to work so they sent me home. Only after telling me that my cervix is paper thin, I'm still 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor was honest and said that it looks like they are going to come sooner than later but hopes I can hang on a couple more weeks.

This was not our only visit to the hospital this week. We had to go in on Wednesday night for the same thing. Contractions were just getting out of control. If I were a cat with nine lives I feel like I've used up 8 of them and that next time could be the real thing. But who knows. It's all a guessing game and the Lord will bring them when it's time.

This past week was one of the best! Our friend Shelby came to stay with us from Texas. Shelby is a rising senior in Plano and started to babysit Ivy when she was 4 months old until we left TX. Ivy ADORES her and had a blast all week having a built in playmate. They played so hard that Ivy actually asked me to go to bed around 6pm several nights in a row. I was also blessed by her visit. It was soooo nice not to schedule people all week and have the revolving door. It took Shelby about a day and she had my routine down. Very mature for a teenager.

This next week is going to be great too! My friend Jenn Aulick is going to stay with us until Friday! She's also wonderful with Ivy and I know she will be a great caregiver for me too.

Prayer Request this week:
My belly is getting so big and making it hard for me to get comfortable. I go from back pain to hip pain to heart burn to sore muscles...etc... The discomfort grows as I do. Today is the first day that I felt like I can't make it one more day. I haven't had that attitude until now. I am praying that attitude will change quickly because when it comes down to it I would really rather them make it a few more weeks.

Overall I would say this has been easier than I expected. My family has been so tremendous at helping us get through this. They have stepped in to help in many ways but a big one is helping us finish moving into our new house. Dad and Fletch have helped Josh do the remodeling and handy man work. Mom has been great at the finishing touches on decorating. Josh's mom flew out for a week to help.

Our church, friends in the area, and the Mom's in the UMOM group have also stepped up and been a source of encouragement and helping to provide for our needs. Josh has not had to cook once! WOOO HOO! We are so thankful and feel very blessed.

I hope my next blog will be news that I made it to 34 week!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I just wanted to encourage you to hang in there! I went on bed rest at 27 weeks too and we made it to 37 weeks. We had 4 hospital stays before delivery. It also about drove me crazy because we had also just moved into our house. There was so much I wanted to do but just couldn't. Take it one day at a time and think about hopefully bringing both babies home with you when you leave the hospital because you resisted the urge to be up and about! :) If you have any twin questions that come up, let me know. Our girls are all ready 9 months! Baby # 3 will be here in about 4 months so we totally understand how crazy life can be!